Controversy surrounds Bristol University’s decision to exclude national anthem from graduation ceremonies

Bristol University has recently been making headlines after deciding to ban the use of the National Anthem, God Save the King, at its graduation ceremony, as reported by The Express. The reasons for this ban have not been disclosed by the university, but the decision to remove the anthem from the ceremony has been in effect since 2022. Despite the lack of an official explanation from Bristol University, a spokesperson for the institution issued a statement acknowledging the ban.

The news of the national anthem ban has sparked mixed reactions from netizens on social media. According to The Telegraph, some students believe that the singing style of the anthem may not resonate with the current generation, citing it as outdated. This decision by Bristol University to discontinue the playing of the national anthem at graduation ceremonies has caused controversy, particularly due to the anthem’s 147-year history at the university.

The ban has received both support and criticism, with various students and notable figures sharing their opinions. According to The Sun, one student mentioned that the anthem might be offensive to some students from diverse backgrounds. On the other hand, Education Secretary Gillian Keegan emphasized the importance of upholding “British values” in universities. Critics, such as Director of the Free Speech Union Toby Young, have condemned Bristol University for disrespecting the country’s history.

In addition to the anthem ban, Bristol University has also made headlines for collaborating with Science Create to establish a new building called OMX on its campus, as reported by BBC. The building is expected to house approximately 275 businesses and has a total cost of £8.5 million. The controversy surrounding the ban of the national anthem has brought attention to the actions and decisions of Bristol University in recent times.