Probable Starting Lineups, Match Prediction, Pitch Analysis, Weather Outlook and Live Stream Information

Gujarat will lock horns with Rajasthan in the Group D match of the Vijay Hazare Trophy 2023 on Saturday, November 25 at Government Model Senior Secondary School, Sector 26 in Chandigarh. Gujarat, positioned third in Group D with a net run rate of 0.720, arrives following a 36-run triumph over Assam, led by Saurav Chauhan’s unbeaten 108 off 82 balls and Piyush Chawla’s three-wicket haul. Conversely, Rajasthan, currently leading the table with a net run rate of 3.22, secured a massive 161-run victory over Arunachal Pradesh, with captain Deepak Hooda’s 114 off 103 balls and Rahul Chahar’s five-wicket performance. The contest is anticipated to be influenced by the slow bowlers due to the surface’s lack of pace, with conditions expected to be sunny and temperatures around 26 degrees Celsius, and humidity at 55 percent. The predictions favor Rajasthan due to their stronger squad, including IPL players such as Deepak Hooda, Rahul Chahar, Deepak Chahar, Khaleel Ahmed, and Mahipal Lomror. The match is not scheduled for TV or live streaming.

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