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function trackBetsTodayPollImpression() {
var intersectionObserverForArticlePoll = new IntersectionObserver(
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In fact, Britton’s wife is an attorney, and she pleaded with him to get them to change it. He begrudgingly agreed, even thoug… through this process again.’ So I called my agent and said they need to change my name, my legal name is with a ‘K.’ Just like a minor thing. Then I talked to the Yankees and they were like, ‘Why were you go…was with a ‘K?'”
At that point, Britton decided to officially retire the stage name, as he referred to it. Thus, he was technically using a false moniker during his time with the Baltimore Orioles, largely because no one bothered to correct the world on its spelling. Despite that, his contracts with Baltimore had the correct spelling.