Time has run out for Rashee Rice, says NFL analyst

Rashee Rice is the leader of a large receiver room in the midst of rebuilding in the wake of Tyreek Hill’s exit. However, one NFL analyst believes it’s time for the receiving core to be rebuilt, starting with Rice. Here’s how NFL analyst Harry Douglas put it on Thursday’s edition of Get Up:

He continued, placing a sense of urgency on the entire unit,

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“You’re going to take possessions away from Patrick Mahomes… So everything you do offensively is going to be valuable. You don’t have time for dropping balls, dropping touchdowns and messing up this offense [00:05:08].”

What time does Rashee Rice and the Kansas City Chiefs play in Week 11?

Rice (right) exchanges jerseys at Kansas City Chiefs vs. New York Jets

Patrick Mahomes’ number one wide receiver will take to the field as everyone else on Monday Night Football. The game will happen on Monday, November 20th, at 8:15 p.m. EST.

Travis Kelce’s performance against Dolphins screams for help from Rashee Rice

Travis Kelce at Miami Dolphins vs. Kansas City Chiefs

The Chiefs depth chart technically has Rashee Rice and Travis Kelce listed as equal starters at two varying positions. However, Kelce has more of a starting role than Rice in the passing game. Kelce has caught 57 catches for 597 yards and four touchdowns this year. Meanwhile, Rice has caught 32 passes for 378 yards and four touchdowns.

Kelce is the ultimate number-one starter, and opposing defenses know that. The tight end was restricted to three catches for 14 yards against the Miami Dolphins because of being surrounded by defenders throughout the game. However, no other receivers stepped up enough to pull attention away from the tight end, allowing him to get more open.

If the Chiefs want to get back to the Super Bowl, they’ll need to get a big-time push from somewhere else in the secondary. The top candidate is rookie receiver Rashee Rice, according to Get Up’s Harry Douglas.

If any of the above quotes are used, credit Get Up and H/T Sportskeeda.

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