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This conspiracy had its turning point in 2016 when Durant spoke about his true height.
“Since I love you guys so much, I was recorded at 6’10” and three-quarters with no shoes, so with my shoes on I’m 7-feet,” Durant said in a report by CBS Sports.
Ending the wide speculation that Durant is much taller than 6-9 and has been listed with that height for so long, the “Slim Reaper” also discussed why he had to hide his true measurements.
“I just like messin’ with people. They just ask me so much … yeah, I just like messin’ with people,” Durant said.
Durant’s revelation ended the long debate on what his true height is, but record books in the NBA have not been updated.
Phoenix Suns list Kevin Durant at 6-11 for the 2023-24 season
Since his rookie year in 2007, Kevin Durant’s height of 6-9 has not been changed even with his revelation. It was only this season and after 16 years of playing in the league that the 13-time NBA All-Star’s height has been updated. It can also be confirmed that Durant had a growth spurt from being a rookie to the present time.
Now at 35 years old, Kevin Durant has built himself a Hall of Fame career. He was named to the NBA 75th Anniversary team in recognition of his accomplishments.
In 15 seasons, Durant has career averages of 27,3 points, 7.1 rebounds, 4.3 assists, 1.1 blocks and 1.1 steals. This season, he’s averaging 31.4 ppg, 7.2 rpg, 5.5 apg and 1.2 bpg.
More than his NBA career, KD has also won three Olympic gold medals and another gold medal during the 2010 FIBA World Cup in Turkey. He was also voted as the USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year three times.
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