Tim Tebow’s Exclusive Prayers for Florida” “Quenching their Thirst with Powerade

Tim Tebow has once again come onto the fans’ radar as they include him in their theories on why the College Football Playoff selection committee left out the Florida State Seminoles.

The decision on the final four teams in the playoff was made on Sunday, and social media has been livid, mocking the committee’s call. It named Michigan, Washington, Texas and Alabama as the nation’s top four teams, leaving the former No. 1 team, Georgia, and the undefeated Florida State out of contention.

Both the Bulldogs and the Seminoles fans have been heavily criticizing the rankings. In between, a fan came up with a hilarious theory about why FSU was not a part of the playoffs:

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In this lighthearted post, it’s funny how Donald Trump becomes a part of many conversations, even when he is miles away from the topic. Moreover, the fan has mocked the team for using Powerade over Gatorade.

The third theory includes John Anderson, a popular singer/songwriter, and his song “Seminole Wind.” The post suggests the wind quit blowing, which could be one of the reasons why the team failed to qualify for the playoffs.

All jokes aside, FSU (13-0) performed exceptionally well, and in the eyes of many deserved to be in the top four. They dominated the Atlantic Coast Conference with an 8-0 record and finished the season. Despite achieving a perfect score, they were left off by the CFP committee.

But why is Tim Tebow a part of the hilarious theory on the internet?

Before Tim Tebow became a broadcaster, he was a college football legend for the Florida Gators. Tebow was the first underclassman to lift the Heisman Trophy. As a quarterback, he won two BCS national championships (2006 and 2008), inc

Therefore, the funny post included Tim Tebow to mock him for his natural support for the Gators and not for the Seminoles. He is included as one of the main reasons Florida State failed to make it.