Potential Replacement: Dan Campbell to Texas A&M in 2023

While a couple of names within the college football world have been linked to the Texas A&M job, Dan Campbell is the only name mentioned so far from the NFL. The Detroit Lions head coach could return to his alma mater to replace Jimbo Fisher ahead of the 2024 season.

Campbell has been the head coach of the Detroit Lions since 2021 and his entire coaching experience has been in the NFL, starting with the Miami Dolphins in 2010. The opening at Texas A&M could see his transition to college football if he is deemed fit for the job.

The former tight end had his CFB career at Texas A&M from 1995 to 1998 and made his way to the NFL in 1999 as the 79th overall pick. Following his 11-season career in the league across four teams, Campbell commenced his coaching career in the landscape.


Can Texas A&M lure Dan Campbell to college football?

Dan Campbell possesses all the qualities Texas A&M looks for in their new head. He has played a key role in transforming the Detroit Lions from an NFC struggling team into a potential Super Bowl contender in the space of three seasons.

However, convincing Campbell to leave the Lions would be challenging for Texas A&M. Evidently, it would require a substantial financial commitment beyond what the Lions could offer to lure Campbell to college football. They will also need to show clear roadmaps on how the program operates.

Campbell reportedly signed a six-year deal with the Lions in 2021 and is currently in the third year of the contract. His salary with the franchise is rumored to be around $4 million, which is far less than the $9 million Jimbo Fisher was earning while he was in charge of the Aggies.

The trajectory of the Detroit Lions

Ahead of the 2023 NFL season, the Lions were anticipated to win the NFC North and host a playoff game, marking a significant achievement for the franchise after two decades. Dan Campbell has played a crucial role in guiding the team to meet the high expectations.

With a 7-2 record so far, the Lions are in an excellent position to achieve something big this season. This trajectory towards success, built over the last three seasons, will make it difficult for the Aggies to get Campbell as their new head coach. He is obviously a wild card in their coaching search.

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